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What is Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a vital nutrient that is important for the health of the body, as it helps in the formation of bones, skin, and blood vessels, and also maintains their health and safety. Vitamin C is one of the organic compounds found in living organisms, as it contains oxygen and carbon, and it is a soluble vitamin. In water and the body does not store it, and it is worth noting that to maintain it with an adequate level of vitamin C in the body, this requires eating its sources on a daily basis.

It is worth noting that vitamin C plays an important role in the performance of a number of body functions, including: the production of collagen, some neurotransmitters, as well as the production of (L-carnitine) (in English: L-carnitine), and therefore it contributes to the processes of protein metabolism, And antioxidant activities, which reduces the risk of some types of cancer.

Foods rich in Vitamin C

There are many foods that contain vitamin C, especially vegetables and fruits, including:

  • orange.
  • the strawberry.
  • Tomato juice.
  • Kiwi fruit.
  • cauliflower.
  • cabbage.
  • Sweet red pepper.
  • additional nutritional supplements.

Health benefits of Vitamin C

Nerve pressure treatment

Vitamin C helps in the treatment of stress and fatigue, as Dr. Mark Moyad, who holds a doctorate in medicine and a master’s degree in public health from the University of Michigan, says that vitamin C is the most beneficial nutrient for individuals who have a weak immune system due to stress, and it is the first nutrient that It is depleted in alcoholics, smokers, and obese people, so this vitamin is an ideal marker of overall health.

Treating the common cold

Vitamin C helps prevent the occurrence of more serious complications of the common cold, as Dr. Moyad says that there is a lot of evidence that shows the ability of vitamin C to fight the common cold, and it is worth noting that it can reduce the flu, and the risk of further complications, such as: Pneumonia.

Fighting stroke

There are conflicting studies related to the ability of vitamin C to combat stroke, as a study was conducted in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which showed that people with high blood concentrations of vitamin C had a higher risk of stroke. 42% lower, compared to people with low blood concentrations of vitamin C, although the main cause of strokes has not yet been determined.

It is worth noting that this vitamin increases in the blood of those who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, as researcher Doctor (Phyo K Myint) stated that people who eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables not only have a high level of vitamin C in the blood, but also An increase in the percentage of other nutrients, such as: fiber, minerals, and other vitamins.

Fighting skin wrinkles

Vitamin C helps reduce skin wrinkles; As it affects the cells of the body from the inside and outside, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which was conducted on 4025 women between the ages of 40-74 years, that there is a relationship between nutrients and the appearance of skin wrinkles. The higher the percentage of vitamin C in the body, the less wrinkles appear, the less dry skin, and the more delayed signs of aging appear.

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