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Benefits of chicken liver for children

Chicken liver is one of the foods rich in many nutrients, and obtaining it contributes to providing many health benefits to the body, such as; Vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, in addition to some minerals, essential fatty acids, and protein, and most groups can consume chicken liver to obtain its health benefits, including children. 

Benefits of chicken liver for children

The following points explain some of the health benefits that can be obtained when consuming chicken liver by children, but it should be noted that some of these benefits still need to be conducted for further studies to be confirmed, so it is recommended to consult a specialist doctor or nutritionist before adding chicken liver to the diet for the child:

Reducing the possibility of anemia

The iron content of chicken liver and vitamin B12 can contribute to reducing the possibility of anemia resulting from a deficiency of one or both of them together, in addition to alleviating the incidence of anemia by improving the levels of nutrients in the body.

Improve growth rates

Chicken liver is one of the foods rich in protein, along with many nutrients, which contribute to obtaining it in sufficient quantities in improving the growth rates of body tissues in the child.

Promote eye health

Consuming chicken liver by children can help promote eye health and reduce the possibility of developing some related diseases, as it is a source of vitamin A, which some studies have found that obtaining sufficient amounts of it can reduce the possibility of developing cataracts. Or macular degeneration associated with advanced age in the future. 

Improve bone health

Consuming liver, including chicken liver, contributes to enhancing bone health and increasing its strength, due to its high content of vitamin K, which some studies have found that consuming it in sufficient quantities from its food sources can contribute to improving bone health and reducing the possibility of osteoporosis.

Boost immune system health

  • The chicken liver content of some nutrients contributes to enhancing the health of the immune system and increasing its strength, which contributes to reducing the possibility of many diseases and infections, and among these elements are the following:
  • Iron: Iron contributes to the formation of red blood cells that help maintain oxygen levels in the body within their normal rates, which contributes to maintaining the health and strength of the body, and providing it with energy.
  • Zinc: Zinc is involved in many vital processes in the body, such as the process of normal cell division, the process of DNA formation, and the process of wound healing, which makes it necessary to promote the health of the immune system.
  • Magnesium and Phosphorus: Both contribute to a healthy immune system in the body.

Promote heart health

Chicken contains a high percentage of selenium, which contributes to reducing the possibility of heart disease, strokes, and high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Promote dental health

One study indicated that the phosphorous content of chicken liver could contribute to promoting dental health and growth, especially in children.

The right age to introduce chicken liver to children

It is possible to start serving chicken liver to the child at the age of 6 months, but in small quantities ranging from 1 to 2 tablespoons of it once a week, in order to avoid some health damage to the child resulting from the consumption of large amounts of vitamin A, but it is recommended to consult a specialist doctor or A nutritionist to determine the age and appropriate amounts of chicken liver for children to consume.

Harmful effects of consuming chicken liver for children

Consuming chicken liver in quantities suitable for the age group consuming it is not harmful, but there are some harms to consuming chicken liver in large quantities by children, including the following:

  • Exposure to food poisoning: Undercooked or improperly stored chicken liver can contain high levels of bacteria, whose transmission to humans can increase the likelihood of food poisoning.
  • Excessive vitamin A: Consuming large amounts of vitamin A can lead to some side effects that vary in severity from mild to severe, such as; Drowsiness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, increased pressure on the brain, bone pain, and others.

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