مشاركات عشوائية

Number of Calories in a Tablespoon of Sugar

Number of calories in a tablespoon of sugar

The calories in white sugar and brown sugar are very close, and they are as follows:

  • white sugar: A teaspoon of sugar, which weighs 4.2 grams, contains approximately 16.3 calories. The tablespoon, which weighs 15 grams, contains approximately 60 calories.
  • brown sugar: A teaspoon of brown sugar, which weighs 4.6 grams, contains approximately 17.5 calories.

The benefits and harms of sugar

The benefits of sugar

As we mentioned earlier, sugar is one of the types of carbohydrates that provide the body with energy to perform its functions. When you eat food containing carbohydrates, the body analyzes them and converts them into glucose molecules, which are the main energy source for the brain, which circulates in the blood circulation all the time. There are two types of sugar in the diet, one is the sugars that are found naturally in foods, and the other is added sugars that include; White sugar, brown sugar, and honey, in addition to calorie-rich sweeteners that are chemically manufactured, such as; High fructose corn syrup. There is a group of damages that may accompany excessive intake of added sugar, as described in the following paragraph.

Sugar damage

Foods that contain a large amount of added sugars contribute to an increase in the level of calories consumed in the diet, in exchange for a decrease in nutritional value or beneficial nutrients. In addition, eating a lot of foods that contain added sugars or that are found in foods that contain on solid fats, quot; Butter, or obesity, which is available in baked goods, is associated with the risk of developing some health problems, including the following:

  • Malnutrition: As those who choose to consume foods that contain sugars instead of other nutritious foods, their consumption of beneficial nutrients, vitamins, and minerals decreases, for example; Sweetened soft drinks contain a large amount of extra sugar and calories, but at the same time they are devoid of nutritional value.
  • overweight: There is usually no single cause of overweight or obesity, but added sugar may contribute to these problems, as adding sugar to foods and drinks increases their calorie content, and it is easy to consume additional calories when eating sugar-sweetened foods.
  • Increased triglycerides: Which is one of the types of fats found in the bloodstream and adipose tissue, and eating an additional amount of added sugar may lead to an increase in triglyceride levels, which can raise the risk of heart disease.
  • tooth decay: Sugar consumption in all its forms is associated with an increased risk of tooth decay, as it forms a medium for the growth and multiplication of bacteria, and therefore the increase in the consumption of snacks and drinks that contain natural sugar, or added sugar on a daily basis and for long periods, is associated with a high risk of tooth decay, especially with Not following a set of good oral hygiene practices.

To read more about the benefits and harms of sugar, you can refer to the article on the benefits and harms of sugar.

An overview of sugar

Sugar crops are mainly grown with the aim of producing and manufacturing sugar, and there are two main types of sugar crops, namely; Sugar beets, or what is said about sugar beets, and sugarcane, which are the main source of sucrose for human consumption, It is worth noting that sucrose is the scientific name for table sugar. Almost 80% of which is obtained from sugar cane, which is largely grown in tropical and subtropical countries, and the remaining percentage is extracted from sugar beets, which are often grown in countries with temperate climates in the northern hemisphere.

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